Hair Up or Hair Down??

When you’re deciding what to do with your hair, there are a few things to think about that really have to do with the type of hair that you have. Whatever hairstyle you pick has to stay in place and looking great for a LONG time, we’re talking 6-8 hours MINIMUM here!!! So if you know that your hair can only hold a curl for 20 minutes before it’s pin-straight again, maybe think about wearing it straight and down or up if you're really going for volume. 

Today we’re going to focus on two hairstyles: updo’s and letting it flow down. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each and let you decide what’s best for your hair!

Starting with up-do’s


Easier to create the illusion of thick hair

Secured so that it stays all day and night 

Will stay (for the most part) perfect no matter the weather


The wrong style can make your face look too long or too round (go with your hairstylist’s advice on this one)

Looser, more flowing looks are more difficult to achieve with certain hair types

There are only so many styles that you can do


Now to the down-do’s


Unlimited number of styles

Simpler, takes less time to style

Can cover scars or tattoos that you may not want showing for your wedding

The achievability of the look you want often depends on the length, thickness, and type of hair that you have (you may need to invest in some extensions)

May not stay in place all night

Wet or humid weather can wreak havoc on these hairstyles


I hope this has given you some ideas for your wedding hairstyles! Remember to consider the dress type that you have and what would look best with it. Your hairstylist is a pro at this and probably has even more tips than we do (we are in no way hair pros). One more tip: ALWAYS have a trial run with hair and makeup to see realistically how long it will take and if you even like the styles you’ve selected.

Shelby Mott