Wedding Day Emergency Kit List:

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Everything you will ever possibly need for your wedding day emergency kit:

·      Bobby pins

·      Hair ties

·      Hair spray

·      Hair brush

·      Nail clipper/ nail file

·      Nail polish remover

·      Back up nail polish

·      Lip gloss

·      Lipstick

·      Oil blotting sheets

·      Makeup remover

·      Hem tape

·      Needle and thread

·      Scissors

·      Lint roller

·      Steamer

·      Static guard

·      White chalk

·      Stain remover

·      Toothbrush toothpaste

·      Mouthwash

·      Mints

·      Floss

·      Deodorant

·      Perfume

·      Lotion

·      Tissues

·      Tweezers

·      Tampons

·      Q-tips

·      Band-Aids

·      Tylenol

·      Allergy medicine

·      Nausea medicine

·      Tums

·      Sunscreen

·      Umbrella

·      Snacks

·      Straws

·      Phone charger

·      Vendor contact info

·      Backup shoes

·      Clothes to change into for the getaway

·      Super glue

·      Rose water spray

·      Itinerary

·      Getting ready playlist

·      Safety pins

·      Lighter

·      Paint pens and card stock just incase

·      Water bottles

·      Razors

·      Pens


Feel free to download this list to print off!!

Feel free to download this list to print off!!


If there’s anything we don’t have that you found yourself needing at your wedding be sure to let us know! Here at Bright Star in our bridal suite we have an emergency kit stocked full of all the things our beautiful brides and their girls could possibly need. These items have not only come in handy for the bride and bridesmaids but also for the groomsmen, family members, and everyone in between. Boys spill, seams rip, accidents happen, so this is our list to help you tackle crises with ease.